"Caspian Sea Monster": What Happened to the Soviets 300 Foot Nuclear Warhead ?

The MD160, Bulit by the soviets during the 1990, at the Russian naval base of Kaspiysk

The Lun-Class Ekranoplan built by the Soviets during the 1987 until sometime 1990s, were one of the highlights of the Cold War. However, these GEV(Ground effect vehicles) never came into production or saw any action whatsoever.

To bring the war to their favour, The Russian ship and aircraft designer, Rostislav Alexeyev, designed the Lun-Class Ekranoplan or the "Caspian Sea Monster" by using the theory of Ground effect vehicles(GEV), which is a vehicle that is designed to attain sustained flight over a level surface (usually over the sea) by making use of ground effect and the aerodynamic interaction between the wings and the surface.

What made it so unique ?

Six P-270 Moskit missiles arranged on the upper surface of the vessel of the MD160

The lun, Russian Word for "Harrier", powered by the enormous Kuznetsov NK-87 turbofans mounted on the nose of the craft, produced about 127.4 kN (28,600 lbf) of thrust. With the effect of GEV, It had a cruising speed of 550kmph, but had to overcome the many obstacles and close proximity of the sea played a vital role.

Equipped with Six P-270 Moskit  guided missile, mounted on the upper surface of the craft and advanced tracking systems in the nose and tap section of the vessel.

To help reduce the fiction and improve the lift, The Ekranoplan MD160 was designed as a stepped hull, rather the traditional-v-shape bottom used on boats, This made the Ekranoplans to skim through the water so fast, Thus evading the enemy's radar, before even being spotted.

"Caspian Sea Monster" Cockpit as seen above 

Of all these specifications, The only model to be ever built in the Lun class, was the MD160, that entered the service in the Black Sea fleet during the 1987.

Although, The Soviets had plans for another version of the Lun, named  Spasatel ("Rescuer"), based for rapid deployment of medical supplies and to be used as a mobile field hospital, Despite, the lack of funding, the world could never see it operate.

Where are the Ekranoplans now ?

The MD160 at the Kaspiysk Russian naval base

After its retirement in 1991, The MD160, sat unused at a Russian Navy's base, near Kaspiysk.

According to the Russian Defence Military Channel on 31st July 2020, The mighty vessel arrived in Derbent, Dagestan. Tug towed, to form a permanent exhibit at the upcoming 'Patriot Park' Exhibition Center.

Unlike the MD160, The second Ekranoplan, termed "Rescuer", is currently present in the Kaspiysk, and never made out of its plant due to the lack of funding and is set aside for possible reuse in the future.

"Rescuer" at Kaspiysk abandoned due to lack of funding

Ekranoplans in the future ?

According to wingmag.com and navyrecognition.com, The former Russian military bases are reopening, and the old war technology is being revisited and getting it operational to modern day advancements.

The Russian ship and aircraft designer, Rostislav Alexeyev

Despite recent developments in the military, There could be a possibility of seeing an E kranoplan in the future, even mightier and faster than the MD160 or the "Rescuer".


Business Insider 2014, The Soviets Had Big Plans For This Enormous Nuclear Equipped Ekranoplane, Viewed on 10th August 2020

Images Reference : Aviation Blogger Igor113

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